[FreeVMS] gMach or Linux kernel ?

Subject: [FreeVMS] gMach or Linux kernel ?
From: BERTRAND Joël (joel.k.bertrand@free.fr)
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 12:10:00 CEST


        I have seen that there are many subscribers. So, we can begin to argue
about advantages and disadvantages of three kernel types :
microkernel based on the Hurd-project ;
other microkernel based on gMach ;
Linux kernel.

        I don't have any good experiences with microkernels (Mach kernel in a
mkLinux distribution...), but the first FreeVMS project was based on a
Mach microkernel. I don't know the Hurd project, but I think that both
Mach and Hurd are very similar (warning : Hurd only runs on ia32.).

        The Linux kernel can be used too. I'm looking for the best choice between
gMach and Linux kernel. I'm waiting for your arguments.



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