starlet/src/ssdef.h File Reference
Go to the source code of this file.
Define Documentation
#define SS__ACCONFLICT 0x0800 |
#define SS__ACCVIO 0x000C |
#define SS__ACEEXISTS 0x0E42 |
#define SS__ACEIDMATCH 0x06B9 |
#define SS__ACLEMPTY 0x09D0 |
#define SS__ACLFULL 0x09F8 |
#define SS__ACPVAFUL 0x02FC |
#define SS__ALLSTARTED 0x0A28 |
#define SS__ALRCURTID 0x23C4 |
#define SS__ALRDYCLOSED 0x06A9 |
#define SS__ALRDYSTPPD 0x0A38 |
#define SS__ALRDYSTRT 0x0A30 |
#define SS__ARBTOOBIG 0x0EC2 |
#define SS__ARCHIVED 0x23FC |
#define SS__ARCHIVING 0x23F4 |
#define SS__ARTRES 0x0474 |
#define SS__ASTFLT 0x040C |
#define SS__BADACL 0x0E3A |
#define SS__BADACLCTX 0x21CC |
#define SS__BADATTRIB 0x0034 |
#define SS__BADCHECKSUM 0x0EBA |
#define SS__BADCHKSUM 0x0808 |
#define SS__BADCONTEXT 0x2324 |
#define SS__BADESCAPE 0x003C |
#define SS__BADFILEHDR 0x0810 |
#define SS__BADFILENAME 0x0818 |
#define SS__BADFILEVER 0x0820 |
#define SS__BADIMGHDR 0x0044 |
#define SS__BADIRECTORY 0x0828 |
#define SS__BADISD 0x2004 |
#define SS__BADLOGVER 0x23D4 |
#define SS__BADMEDIA 0x2784 |
#define SS__BADPARAM 0x0014 |
#define SS__BADQFILE 0x03BC |
#define SS__BADQUEUEHDR 0x0394 |
#define SS__BADRCT 0x216C |
#define SS__BADREASON 0x245C |
#define SS__BADSTACK 0x02B4 |
#define SS__BADTIME 0x249C |
#define SS__BADVEC 0x2064 |
#define SS__BEGOFFILE 0x0938 |
#define SS__BEGOFTAPE 0x0A10 |
#define SS__BLOCKCNTERR 0x0940 |
#define SS__BOOTREJECT 0x0A70 |
#define SS__BRANCHENDED 0x2484 |
#define SS__BRANCHSTARTED 0x248C |
#define SS__BUFBYTALI 0x030C |
#define SS__BUFFEROVF 0x0601 |
#define SS__BUFNOTALIGN 0x0324 |
#define SS__BUGCHECK 0x02A4 |
#define SS__CANCEL 0x0830 |
#define SS__CANCELGRANT 0x0E2A |
#define SS__CHAINW 0x0C0B |
#define SS__CHANINTLK 0x004C |
#define SS__CLEARED 0x2104 |
#define SS__CLIFRCEXT 0x0980 |
#define SS__CMODSUPR 0x041C |
#define SS__CMODUSER 0x0424 |
#define SS__COMMHARD 0x20C4 |
#define SS__COMPAT 0x042C |
#define SS__CONCEALED 0x0691 |
#define SS__CONNECFAIL 0x20DC |
#define SS__CONTROLC 0x0651 |
#define SS__CONTROLO 0x0609 |
#define SS__CONTROLY 0x0611 |
#define SS__CPUCAP 0x2414 |
#define SS__CPUNOTACT 0x22F4 |
#define SS__CPUSTARTD 0x0C2B |
#define SS__CPUSTARTIP 0x0A20 |
#define SS__CPUSTOPPING 0x0C33 |
#define SS__CREATED 0x0619 |
#define SS__CTRLERR 0x0054 |
#define SS__CURTIDCHANGE 0x24BC |
#define SS__CVTUNGRANT 0x213C |
#define SS__DATACHECK 0x005C |
#define SS__DATALATE 0x2274 |
#define SS__DATALOST 0x22E4 |
#define SS__DATAOVERUN 0x0838 |
#define SS__DBGEVENT 0x06C1 |
#define SS__DBGOPCREQ 0x06A1 |
#define SS__DEADLOCK 0x0E0A |
#define SS__DECOVF 0x04A4 |
#define SS__DEVACTIVE 0x02C4 |
#define SS__DEVALLOC 0x0840 |
#define SS__DEVALRALLOC 0x0641 |
#define SS__DEVASSIGN 0x0848 |
#define SS__DEVCMDERR 0x032C |
#define SS__DEVEXISTS 0x0AA8 |
#define SS__DEVFOREIGN 0x0064 |
#define SS__DEVICEFULL 0x0850 |
#define SS__DEVINACT 0x20D4 |
#define SS__DEVMOUNT 0x006C |
#define SS__DEVNOTALLOC 0x0858 |
#define SS__DEVNOTDISM 0x21B4 |
#define SS__DEVNOTMBX 0x0074 |
#define SS__DEVNOTMOUNT 0x007C |
#define SS__DEVNOTSHR 0x22D4 |
#define SS__DEVNOTWS 0x24D4 |
#define SS__DEVOFFLINE 0x0084 |
#define SS__DEVREQERR 0x0334 |
#define SS__DGQINCOMP 0x09C0 |
#define SS__DIRALLOC 0x09C8 |
#define SS__DIRFULL 0x0860 |
#define SS__DIRNOTEMPTY 0x2174 |
#define SS__DISCONNECT 0x204C |
#define SS__DRVERR 0x008C |
#define SS__DRVEXISTS 0x0AA0 |
#define SS__DUPDSKQUOTA 0x03DC |
#define SS__DUPFILENAME 0x0868 |
#define SS__DUPIDENT 0x222C |
#define SS__DUPLNAM 0x0094 |
#define SS__DUPUNIT 0x21C4 |
#define SS__EFNOTSET 0x0A60 |
#define SS__ENDOFFILE 0x0870 |
#define SS__ENDOFTAPE 0x0878 |
#define SS__ENDOFUSRLBL 0x0970 |
#define SS__ENDOFVOLUME 0x09A0 |
#define SS__EXASTLM 0x2A04 |
#define SS__EXBIOLM 0x2A0C |
#define SS__EXBYTLM 0x2A14 |
#define SS__EXCPUTIM 0x20AC |
#define SS__EXDEPTH 0x0E1A |
#define SS__EXDIOLM 0x2A1C |
#define SS__EXDISKQUOTA 0x03EC |
#define SS__EXENQLM 0x2A44 |
#define SS__EXFILLM 0x2A24 |
#define SS__EXGBLPAGFIL 0x2164 |
#define SS__EXIT_UNWIND 0x0AB8 |
#define SS__EXLICENSE 0x2304 |
#define SS__EXLNMQUOTA 0x224C |
#define SS__EXPGFLQUOTA 0x2A2C |
#define SS__EXPORTQUOTA 0x03AC |
#define SS__EXPRCLM 0x2A34 |
#define SS__EXQUOTA 0x001C |
#define SS__EXQUOTAEND 0x2AFF |
#define SS__EXQUOTASTRT 0x2A00 |
#define SS__EXTIDXFILE 0x0880 |
#define SS__EXTQELM 0x2A3C |
#define SS__FCPREADERR 0x0888 |
#define SS__FCPREPSTN 0x0988 |
#define SS__FCPREWNDERR 0x0890 |
#define SS__FCPSPACERR 0x0898 |
#define SS__FCPWRITERR 0x08A0 |
#define SS__FDT_COMPL 0x0AC8 |
#define SS__FILACCERR 0x009C |
#define SS__FILALRACC 0x00A4 |
#define SS__FILELOCKED 0x08A8 |
#define SS__FILENUMCHK 0x08B0 |
#define SS__FILEPURGED 0x0679 |
#define SS__FILESEQCHK 0x08B8 |
#define SS__FILESTRUCT 0x08C0 |
#define SS__FILNOTACC 0x00AC |
#define SS__FILNOTCNTG 0x02AC |
#define SS__FILNOTEXP 0x00B4 |
#define SS__FLTDIV 0x0494 |
#define SS__FLTDIV_F 0x04BC |
#define SS__FLTOVF 0x048C |
#define SS__FLTOVF_F 0x04B4 |
#define SS__FLTUND 0x049C |
#define SS__FLTUND_F 0x04C4 |
#define SS__FORCEDERROR 0x2144 |
#define SS__FORCEDEXIT 0x217C |
#define SS__FORGET 0x06E1 |
#define SS__FORMAT 0x00BC |
#define SS__GOTO_UNWIND 0x0AB0 |
#define SS__GPTFULL 0x00C4 |
#define SS__GSDFULL 0x00CC |
#define SS__HANGUP 0x02CC |
#define SS__HEADERFULL 0x08C8 |
#define SS__HSTBUFACC 0x2424 |
#define SS__HWM_STALL 0x23A4 |
#define SS__IDMISMATCH 0x03F4 |
#define SS__IDXFILEFULL 0x08D0 |
#define SS__ILLBLKNUM 0x00DC |
#define SS__ILLCDTST 0x2154 |
#define SS__ILLCNTRFUNC 0x00E4 |
#define SS__ILLEFC 0x00EC |
#define SS__ILLIOFUNC 0x00F4 |
#define SS__ILLLBLAST 0x0968 |
#define SS__ILLPAGCNT 0x00FC |
#define SS__ILLSELF 0x214C |
#define SS__ILLSEQOP 0x02DC |
#define SS__ILLSER 0x0104 |
#define SS__ILLUSRLBLRD 0x0958 |
#define SS__ILLUSRLBLWT 0x0960 |
#define SS__ILLVECOP 0x04EC |
#define SS__IMGVEXC 0x234C |
#define SS__INCOMPAT 0x0699 |
#define SS__INCONOLCK 0x242C |
#define SS__INCSEGTRA 0x2234 |
#define SS__INCSHAMEM 0x22CC |
#define SS__INCVOLLABEL 0x010C |
#define SS__INHCHME 0x04D4 |
#define SS__INHCHMK 0x04CC |
#define SS__INSFARG 0x0114 |
#define SS__INSFBUFDP 0x033C |
#define SS__INSFCDT 0x21AC |
#define SS__INSFLPGS 0x244C |
#define SS__INSFMAPREG 0x0344 |
#define SS__INSFMEM 0x0124 |
#define SS__INSFRAME 0x012C |
#define SS__INSFRPGS 0x2454 |
#define SS__INSFSPTS 0x2044 |
#define SS__INSFWSL 0x011C |
#define SS__INSSWAPSPACE 0x2264 |
#define SS__INTDIV 0x0484 |
#define SS__INTERLOCK 0x038C |
#define SS__INTOVF 0x047C |
#define SS__INV_HW_ID 0x231C |
#define SS__INVBUSNAM 0x0E8A |
#define SS__INVCOMPID 0x0E9A |
#define SS__INVCOMPLIST 0x0EA2 |
#define SS__INVCOMPTYPE 0x0E92 |
#define SS__INVEVENT 0x2434 |
#define SS__INVEXHLIST 0x22B4 |
#define SS__INVLICENSE 0x230C |
#define SS__INVLOG 0x23CC |
#define SS__INVLOGIN 0x209C |
#define SS__INVPWDLEN 0x2394 |
#define SS__INVSECDOMAIN 0x0EB2 |
#define SS__INVSECLASS 0x22C4 |
#define SS__ITEMNOTFOUND 0x0A50 |
#define SS__IVADDR 0x0134 |
#define SS__IVBUFLEN 0x034C |
#define SS__IVCHAN 0x013C |
#define SS__IVCHAR 0x20CC |
#define SS__IVCHNLSEC 0x026C |
#define SS__IVDEVNAM 0x0144 |
#define SS__IVGSDNAM 0x014C |
#define SS__IVIDENT 0x2224 |
#define SS__IVLOCKID 0x2124 |
#define SS__IVLOGNAM 0x0154 |
#define SS__IVLOGTAB 0x015C |
#define SS__IVLVEC 0x203C |
#define SS__IVMODE 0x0354 |
#define SS__IVPARAM 0x27a4 |
#define SS__IVPROTECT 0x02F4 |
#define SS__IVQUOTAL 0x0164 |
#define SS__IVSECFLG 0x016C |
#define SS__IVSECIDCTL 0x02E4 |
#define SS__IVSSRQ 0x0174 |
#define SS__IVSTSFLG 0x017C |
#define SS__IVTIME 0x0184 |
#define SS__JBCERROR 0x218C |
#define SS__KERNELINV 0x2244 |
#define SS__LCKPAGFUL 0x00D4 |
#define SS__LENVIO 0x018C |
#define SS__LICENSE_LEVEL 0x2314 |
#define SS__LINEABRT 0x0E02 |
#define SS__LINKABORT 0x20E4 |
#define SS__LINKDISCON 0x20EC |
#define SS__LINKEXIT 0x20F4 |
#define SS__LKWSETFUL 0x0194 |
#define SS__LNMCREATED 0x06B1 |
#define SS__LOADER 0x241C |
#define SS__LOGFULL 0x0E62 |
#define SS__LOGNAME 0x0C23 |
#define SS__LOGSTALL 0x0E5A |
#define SS__MBFULL 0x08D8 |
#define SS__MBTOOSML 0x019C |
#define SS__MCHECK 0x02BC |
#define SS__MCNOTVALID 0x035C |
#define SS__MEDOFL 0x01A4 |
#define SS__MSGNOTFND 0x0621 |
#define SS__MTLBLLONG 0x0304 |
#define SS__MULTRMS 0x202C |
#define SS__MUSTCLOSEFL 0x0948 |
#define SS__NOACLSUPPORT 0x22BC |
#define SS__NOACNT 0x284C |
#define SS__NOALLSPOOL 0x2824 |
#define SS__NOALTPRI 0x286C |
#define SS__NOBUGCHK 0x28BC |
#define SS__NOBYPASS 0x28EC |
#define SS__NOCALLPRIV 0x2444 |
#define SS__NOCMEXEC 0x280C |
#define SS__NOCMKRNL 0x2804 |
#define SS__NOCOMPLSTS 0x0EAA |
#define SS__NOCURTID 0x236C |
#define SS__NODATA 0x01AC |
#define SS__NODELEAVE 0x223C |
#define SS__NODELETE 0x233C |
#define SS__NODETACH 0x282C |
#define SS__NODEVAVL 0x09B0 |
#define SS__NODIAGNOSE 0x2834 |
#define SS__NODISKQUOTA 0x03E4 |
#define SS__NODOWNGRADE 0x290C |
#define SS__NOENTRY 0x09D8 |
#define SS__NOEXQUOTA 0x289C |
#define SS__NOFILACC 0x22AC |
#define SS__NOGROUP 0x2844 |
#define SS__NOGRPNAM 0x281C |
#define SS__NOGRPPRV 0x291C |
#define SS__NOHANDLER 0x08F8 |
#define SS__NOHOMEBLK 0x08E0 |
#define SS__NOIOCHAN 0x01B4 |
#define SS__NOLCLMEDA 0x21F4 |
#define SS__NOLICENSE 0x2194 |
#define SS__NOLINKS 0x027C |
#define SS__NOLISTENER 0x215C |
#define SS__NOLOCKID 0x0E12 |
#define SS__NOLOG_IO 0x283C |
#define SS__NOLOGNAM 0x01BC |
#define SS__NOLOGTAB 0x2294 |
#define SS__NOMOREACE 0x09E0 |
#define SS__NOMOREDEV 0x0A58 |
#define SS__NOMOREFILES 0x0930 |
#define SS__NOMOREITEMS 0x06F1 |
#define SS__NOMORELOCK 0x0A08 |
#define SS__NOMORENODE 0x0A00 |
#define SS__NOMOREPROC 0x09A8 |
#define SS__NOMOUNT 0x288C |
#define SS__NONETMBX 0x28A4 |
#define SS__NONEXDRV 0x01C4 |
#define SS__NONEXPR 0x08E8 |
#define SS__NONLOCAL 0x08F0 |
#define SS__NONXPAG 0x0C1B |
#define SS__NOOPER 0x2894 |
#define SS__NOP1VA 0x2024 |
#define SS__NOPFNMAP 0x28D4 |
#define SS__NOPHY_IO 0x28B4 |
#define SS__NOPRESUME 0x24AC |
#define SS__NOPRIV 0x0024 |
Definition at line 44 of file ssdef.h.
Referenced by exe_cmexec(), exe_cmkrnl(), exe_cpu_capabilities(), exe_crelnt(), exe_process_affinity(), exe_process_capabilities(), exe_process_check_priv(), exe_set_implicit_affinity(), exe_setprt(), exe_setswm(), and mmg_credel().
#define SS__NOPRIVEND 0x29FF |
#define SS__NOPRIVSTRT 0x2800 |
#define SS__NOPRMCEB 0x2854 |
#define SS__NOPRMGBL 0x28C4 |
#define SS__NOPRMMBX 0x285C |
#define SS__NOPSWAPM 0x2864 |
#define SS__NOPTBLDIR 0x0A98 |
#define SS__NOQFILE 0x03C4 |
#define SS__NOREADALL 0x2924 |
#define SS__NOREADER 0x24C4 |
#define SS__NOREGAVIL 0x21FC |
#define SS__NOREGSUIT 0x2204 |
#define SS__NORIGHTSDB 0x0E52 |
#define SS__NOSAVPEXC 0x2354 |
#define SS__NOSECURITY 0x2934 |
#define SS__NOSETPRV 0x2874 |
#define SS__NOSHARE 0x292C |
#define SS__NOSHMBLOCK 0x03B4 |
#define SS__NOSHMEM 0x28DC |
#define SS__NOSHRIMG 0x21BC |
#define SS__NOSIGNAL 0x0900 |
#define SS__NOSLOT 0x039C |
#define SS__NOSOLICIT 0x0284 |
#define SS__NOSUCHBID 0x2464 |
#define SS__NOSUCHCPB 0x240C |
#define SS__NOSUCHCPU 0x2344 |
#define SS__NOSUCHDEV 0x0908 |
#define SS__NOSUCHFAC 0x243C |
#define SS__NOSUCHFILE 0x0910 |
#define SS__NOSUCHID 0x21EC |
#define SS__NOSUCHNODE 0x028C |
#define SS__NOSUCHOBJ 0x20A4 |
#define SS__NOSUCHOBJECT 0x0A88 |
#define SS__NOSUCHPAG 0x0B08 |
#define SS__NOSUCHPART 0x23B4 |
#define SS__NOSUCHPGM 0x220C |
#define SS__NOSUCHREPORT 0x2494 |
#define SS__NOSUCHRM 0x2364 |
#define SS__NOSUCHSEC 0x0978 |
#define SS__NOSUCHTID 0x235C |
#define SS__NOSUCHUSER 0x2084 |
#define SS__NOSUCHVOL 0x0F2a |
#define SS__NOSUSPEND 0x23AC |
#define SS__NOSYSGBL 0x28CC |
#define SS__NOSYSLCK 0x28F4 |
#define SS__NOSYSNAM 0x2814 |
#define SS__NOSYSPRV 0x28E4 |
#define SS__NOTALLPRIV 0x0681 |
#define SS__NOTAPEOP 0x0264 |
#define SS__NOTCREATOR 0x0384 |
#define SS__NOTFILEDEV 0x01CC |
#define SS__NOTHINGDONE 0x0C43 |
#define SS__NOTINSEC 0x0C13 |
#define SS__NOTINSTALL 0x2014 |
#define SS__NOTINTBLSZ 0x01D4 |
#define SS__NOTLABELMT 0x01DC |
#define SS__NOTMODIFIED 0x0659 |
#define SS__NOTMPMBX 0x287C |
#define SS__NOTNETDEV 0x02EC |
#define SS__NOTORIGIN 0x246C |
#define SS__NOTPRINTED 0x2184 |
#define SS__NOTQUEUED 0x09B8 |
#define SS__NOTRAN 0x0629 |
#define SS__NOTSQDEV 0x01E4 |
#define SS__NOTVOLSET 0x0998 |
#define SS__NOUPGRADE 0x2914 |
#define SS__NOVOLACC 0x22A4 |
#define SS__NOVOLDESC 0x0A90 |
#define SS__NOVOLPRO 0x28AC |
#define SS__NOWORLD 0x2884 |
#define SS__NOWRITER 0x24CC |
#define SS__NSTPPD 0x0A40 |
#define SS__OBJECT_EXISTS 0x0A80 |
#define SS__OBJLOCKHELD 0x0A18 |
#define SS__OBSOLETE_1 0x0671 |
#define SS__OPCCUS 0x0434 |
#define SS__OPCDEC 0x043C |
#define SS__OPINCOMPL 0x02D4 |
#define SS__OPINPROG 0x23DC |
#define SS__OPRABORT 0x20B4 |
#define SS__ORBTOOBIG 0x0ECA |
#define SS__OVRDSKQUOTA 0x0669 |
#define SS__OVRMAXARG 0x227C |
#define SS__PAGOWNVIO 0x01EC |
#define SS__PAGRDERR 0x0444 |
#define SS__PAGTYPVIO 0x0B00 |
#define SS__PARENT_DEL 0x2254 |
#define SS__PARITY 0x01F4 |
#define SS__PARNOTGRANT 0x2134 |
#define SS__PARNOTSYS 0x225C |
#define SS__PARTESCAPE 0x01FC |
#define SS__PARTJOINED 0x24A4 |
#define SS__PARTMAPPED 0x0E22 |
#define SS__PATHLOST 0x20FC |
#define SS__PFMBSY 0x0204 |
#define SS__PGMLDFAIL 0x2214 |
#define SS__PGMSTDALN 0x221C |
#define SS__PLHLDR 0x0404 |
#define SS__POWERFAIL 0x0364 |
#define SS__PREPARED 0x06E9 |
#define SS__PRIMNOSTP 0x0A68 |
#define SS__PRIVINSTALL 0x2054 |
#define SS__PROTINSTALL 0x205C |
#define SS__PROTOCOL 0x2074 |
#define SS__PSTFULL 0x020C |
#define SS__PWDINDIC 0x0E6A |
#define SS__PWDINHIS 0x0E72 |
#define SS__PWDNOTDIF 0x238C |
#define SS__PWDSYNTAX 0x2384 |
#define SS__PWDWEAK 0x0E7A |
#define SS__QFACTIVE 0x03CC |
#define SS__QFNOTACT 0x03D4 |
#define SS__QUEUED 0x06D1 |
#define SS__RADRMOD 0x044C |
#define SS__RDDELDATA 0x0661 |
#define SS__RECOVERCANCEL 0x24B4 |
#define SS__REJECT 0x0294 |
#define SS__RELINK 0x200C |
#define SS__REMOTE 0x0649 |
#define SS__REMOTE_PROC 0x22EC |
#define SS__REMOVED 0x06C9 |
#define SS__REMRSRC 0x206C |
#define SS__RESIGNAL 0x0918 |
#define SS__RESULTOVF 0x0214 |
#define SS__RIGHTSFULL 0x09E8 |
#define SS__RMALRDCL 0x23BC |
#define SS__RMTPATH 0x0A78 |
#define SS__ROPRAND 0x0454 |
#define SS__RUCONFLICT 0x22DC |
#define SS__SECTBLFUL 0x021C |
#define SS__SERIOUSEXCP 0x21D4 |
#define SS__SHACHASTA 0x2284 |
#define SS__SHARTOOBIG 0x201C |
#define SS__SHMGSNOTMAP 0x036C |
#define SS__SHMNOTCNCT 0x037C |
#define SS__SHRIDMISMAT 0x20BC |
#define SS__SITEPWDFAIL 0x2404 |
#define SS__SMALLHEADER 0x0AC0 |
#define SS__SRVMMAT 0x22FC |
#define SS__SSFAIL 0x045C |
#define SS__SUBDISABLED 0x06D9 |
#define SS__SUBLOCKS 0x212C |
#define SS__SUBRNG 0x04AC |
#define SS__SUBTRACED 0x23EC |
#define SS__SUPERSEDE 0x0631 |
#define SS__SUSPENDED 0x03A4 |
#define SS__SYSAPMAX 0x7FFF |
#define SS__SYSAPMIN 0x7E00 |
#define SS__SYSVERDIF 0x239C |
#define SS__TAPEPOSLOST 0x0224 |
#define SS__TEMPLATEDEV 0x21DC |
#define SS__TERMNETDEV 0x228C |
#define SS__THIRDPARTY 0x207C |
#define SS__TIMEOUT 0x022C |
#define SS__TOOMANYLNAM 0x0374 |
#define SS__TOOMANYREDS 0x211C |
#define SS__TOOMANYVER 0x0990 |
#define SS__TOOMUCHCTX 0x232C |
#define SS__TOOMUCHDATA 0x029C |
#define SS__TPDISABLED 0x247C |
#define SS__UNASEFC 0x0234 |
#define SS__UNKRESULT 0x0A48 |
#define SS__UNREACHABLE 0x2094 |
#define SS__UNSAFE 0x023C |
#define SS__UNSOLICIT 0x2114 |
#define SS__UNSUPPORTED 0x0E4A |
#define SS__UNSUPVOLSET 0x26B4 |
#define SS__UNUSED_4 0x28FC |
#define SS__UNUSED_5 0x2904 |
#define SS__UNWIND 0x0920 |
#define SS__UNWINDING 0x0928 |
#define SS__USEGENPWD 0x0E82 |
#define SS__VA_IN_USE 0x2334 |
#define SS__VALNOTVALID 0x09F0 |
#define SS__VARITH 0x04E4 |
#define SS__VASFULL 0x0244 |
#define SS__VCBROKEN 0x219C |
#define SS__VCCLOSED 0x21A4 |
#define SS__VECALIGN 0x04F4 |
#define SS__VECDIS 0x04DC |
#define SS__VECFULL 0x2034 |
#define SS__VECINUSE 0x024C |
#define SS__VOLATILE 0x06F9 |
#define SS__VOLINV 0x0254 |
#define SS__VOLOERR 0x226C |
#define SS__WAITUSRLBL 0x0950 |
#define SS__WASECC 0x0639 |
#define SS__WRITLCK 0x025C |
#define SS__WRONGACMODE 0x23E4 |
#define SS__WRONGACP 0x031C |
#define SS__WRONGNAME 0x229C |
#define SS__WRONGSTATE 0x2374 |
#define SYSTEM__FACILITY 0 |