lib/src/misc_routines.h File Reference

#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
#include <linux/linkage.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


char * do_translate (char *from)
void * exttwo_search_fcb (struct _vcb *vcb, struct inode *inode)
void * exttwo_search_fcb2 (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _fiddef *fid)
struct _fcbe2_search_fcb (void *v)
unsigned long * getefcp (struct _pcb *p, unsigned long efn)
 Returns a pointer to the event flag give a PCB and the event flag number.
unsigned long * getefc (struct _pcb *p, unsigned long efn)
unsigned long * getefcno (unsigned long efn)
int alloc_ipid ()
void init_p1pp_long (unsigned long addr, signed long offset, signed long val)
void init_p1pp_long_long (unsigned long addr, signed long offset, signed long long val)
void init_p1pp_data (struct _pcb *pcb, struct _phd *phd, signed long offset)
 initialization of p1 data
void init_sys_p1pp ()
void init_p1pp (struct _pcb *pcb, struct _phd *phd)
int init_fork_p1pp (struct _pcb *pcb, struct _phd *phd, struct _pcb *oldpcb, struct _phd *oldphd)
 initialization of p1 space when forking
int shell_init_other (struct _pcb *pcb, struct _pcb *oldpcb, long addr, long oldaddr)
 initialization of p1 space when not(?) forking
int user_spaceable ()
int user_spaceable_addr (void *addr)
int insrde (struct _rde *elem, struct _rde *head)
void * find_task_by_pid (int pid)
void ini_fdt_act (struct _fdt *f, unsigned long long mask, void *fn, unsigned long type)
void ini_fdt_end (struct _fdt *fdt)
void ini_dpt_name (struct _dpt *d, char *n)
void ini_dpt_adapt (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_flags (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_maxunits (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_ucbsize (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_struc_init (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_struc_reinit (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_ucb_crams (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_defunits (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_unload (struct _dpt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_dpt_adptype (struct _dpt *d, long l)
void ini_dpt_vector (struct _dpt *d, long l)
void ini_dpt_end (struct _dpt *d)
void ini_ddt_ctrlinit (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_unitinit (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_start (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_kp_startio (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_kp_stack_size (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_kp_reg_mask (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_cancel (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_regdmp (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_erlgbf (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_qsrv_helper (struct _ddt *d, unsigned long type)
void ini_ddt_end (struct _ddt *d)
int init_ddb (struct _ddb *ddb, struct _ddt *ddt, struct _ucb *ucb, char *sddb)
int init_ucb (struct _ucb *ucb, struct _ddb *ddb, struct _ddt *ddt, struct _crb *crb)
int init_crb (struct _crb *crb)
void insertdevlist (struct _ddb *d)
void registerdevchan (unsigned long dev, unsigned short chan)
unsigned short dev2chan (kdev_t dev)
int path_unix_to_vms (char *new, char *old)
int convert_soname (char *name)
unsigned long get_x2p_prim_fcb ()
unsigned long get_xqp_prim_fcb ()
int rms_kernel_read (struct file *file, unsigned long offset, char *addr, unsigned long count)
ssize_t rms_generic_file_read (struct file *filp, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
void xqp_init2 (void)
void exttwo_init2 (void *vcb)
int init_phd (struct _phd *phd)
void lnm_init_prc (struct _pcb *p)
void make_fcb (struct inode *inode)
struct file * rms_open_exec (const char *name)
int rms_prepare_binprm (struct linux_binprm *bprm)
struct vm_area_struct * find_vma_intersection2 (struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long start_addr, unsigned long end_addr)
int ip4_vmsinit (void)
int ide_vmsinit (void)
int fd_vmsinit (void)
int ubd_vmsinit (void)
int ec_vmsinit (int dev)
int er_vmsinit (int dev)
int ft_vmsinit (void)
int pn_vmsinit (void)
int tz_vmsinit (void)
int mb_vmsinit (void)
int kbd_vmsinit (void)
int tty_vmsinit (void)
int con_vmsinit (void)
void __fl_init (void)
int is_cluster_on ()
struct task_struct * find_process_by_pid (pid_t pid)
void lck_searchdlck (void)
void rdtscll_sync (unsigned long *tsc)
int set_rtc_mmss (unsigned long nowtime)
void fixup_hib_pc (void *dummy)
 modifies the stack so that it will call exe_wait again.
 mycheckaddr (unsigned int ctl)
 check content ok
int task_on_comqueue (struct _pcb *p)
 is the task on comqueue?
int cwps_forcex (unsigned int *pidadr, void *prcnam, unsigned int code)
void * find_a_cdt (int a)
int lck_grant_lock (struct _lkb *lck, struct _rsb *res, signed int curmode, signed int nextmode, int flags, int efn, signed int ggmode)
int maybe_blkast (struct _rsb *res, struct _lkb *lck)
int find_highest (struct _lkb *lck, struct _rsb *res)
int grant_queued (struct _rsb *res, int ggmode_not, int docvt, int dowt)
int forklock (int i, signed int j)
 forklock - see 5.2 8.3.7
void forkunlock (int i, signed int j)
 forkunlock - see 5.2 8.3.7
void lnm_lock (void)
void lnm_unlock (void)
void lnm_lockr (void)
void lnm_unlockr (void)
void lnm_lockw (void)
void lnm_unlockw (void)
int lnm_check_prot ()
int mb_chanunwait (struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
int ods2_block_read_full_page3 (struct _wcb *wcb, struct page *page, unsigned long pageno)
int copy_fs (unsigned long clone_flags, struct task_struct *tsk)
int copy_files (unsigned long clone_flags, struct task_struct *tsk)
int copy_sighand (unsigned long clone_flags, struct task_struct *tsk)
int lnm_hash (const int length, const unsigned char *log, const unsigned long mask, unsigned long *myhash)
unsigned long findpte_new (struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address)
struct mm_struct * mm_init (struct mm_struct *mm)
int dup_stuff (struct mm_struct *mm, struct _phd *phd)
void kernel_puts (const char *s)
int poison_packet (char *packet, int size, int deall)
int check_packet (char *packet, int size, int deall)
int ods2_block_write_full_page3 (struct _wcb *wcb, struct page *page, unsigned long pageno)
int block_prepare_write2 (struct inode *inode, struct page *page, unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned long pageno)
int generic_commit_write2 (struct inode *inode, struct page *page, unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned long pageno)
int ext2_direct_IO (int rw, struct inode *inode, struct kiobuf *iobuf, unsigned long blocknr, int blocksize)
int ext2_get_block (struct inode *inode, long iblock, signed long *bh_result, int create, struct _fcb *fcb)
int block_commit_write2 (struct inode *inode, struct page *page, unsigned from, unsigned to, unsigned long pageno)
 mypfncheckaddr ()
void vms_submit_bh (int rw, struct buffer_head *bh)
signed long e2_map_vbn (struct _fcb *fcb, signed long vbn)
void myqio (long rw, long data, long size, long blocknr, kdev_t dev, long block_factor)
int block_read_full_page3 (struct _fcb *fcb, struct page *page, unsigned long pageno)
int block_write_full_page3 (struct _fcb *fcb, struct page *page, unsigned long pageno)
unsigned phyio_read (unsigned handle, unsigned block, unsigned length, char *buffer)
unsigned phyio_write (unsigned handle, unsigned block, unsigned length, char *buffer)
int du_readblk (struct _irp *i, struct _ucb *u, struct _mscp_basic_pkt *m)
int du_writeblk (struct _irp *i, struct _ucb *u, struct _mscp_basic_pkt *m)
int du_rw (struct _irp *i, struct _mscp_ucb *u, struct _transfer_commands *m)
void * find_mscp_cdt (void)
 insertfillist (struct _ucb *u, char *s)
 BLISSIF (int i)
long CH_PTR (long)
long CH_MOVE (long, long, long)
void * scs_find_name (char *c1)
int swapbytes (long, long)
long du_iodbunit_vmsinit (struct _ddb *ddb, int unitno, void *d)
void du_iodb_clu_vmsinit (struct _ucb *u)
long du_iodb_vmsinit (void)
long ide_iodb_vmsinit (int mscp)
long ide_iodbunit_vmsinit (struct _ddb *ddb, int unitno, void *dsc)
void * find_free_cdt (void)
char * do_file_translate (char *from)
unsigned phyio_init (int devlen, char *devnam, struct file **handle, struct phyio_info *info, struct _dt_ucb *ucb)
void * du_init (char *s)
struct _ucbfl_init (char *s)
void __du_init (void)
void configure_init (void)
int scs_rcv2 (char *bufh, char *buf)
int scs_from_myself (struct _nisca *msg, unsigned short sr_hi, unsigned long sr_lo)
int scs_neigh_endnode_hello (struct sk_buff *skb)
int scs_rcv (struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev, struct packet_type *pt)
void scs_fill_dx (struct _nisca *msg, unsigned short dx_hi, unsigned long dx_lo, unsigned short sr_hi, unsigned long sr_lo)
void scs_msg_ctl_comm (struct _cdt *sk, unsigned char msgflg)
void scs_nsp_send_conninit2 (struct _cdt *sk, unsigned char msgflg, char *rprnam, char *lprnam, char *condat)
void scs_msg_ctl_fill (char *buf, struct _cdt *cdt, unsigned char msgflg)
void scs_msg_fill (char *buf, struct _cdt *cdt, unsigned char msgflg, struct _scs *newscs)
void scs_msg_fill_more (char *buf, struct _cdt *cdt, struct _cdrp *cdrp, int bufsiz)
void scs_receive (int i)
void scs_nsp_send2 (char *buf, int len)
 scs_startdev (scs_int2, setflag, setaddr)
unsigned long buffer_offset (unsigned long buffer, unsigned long offset)
int rms_get_idx (struct _rabdef *rab)
int search_log_repl (char *name, char **retname, int *retsize)
unsigned search_ent (struct _fcb *fcb, struct dsc_descriptor *fibdsc, struct dsc $descriptor *filedsc, unsigned short *reslen, struct dsc $descriptor *resdsc, unsigned eofblk, unsigned action)
signed int f11b_map_vbn (unsigned int vbn, struct _wcb *wcb)
void f11b_write_attrib (struct _fcb *fcb, struct _atrdef *atrp)
signed int f11b_map_idxvbn (struct _vcb *vcb, unsigned int vbn)
void iosbret (struct _irp *i, int sts)
int add_wcb (struct _fcb *fcb, unsigned short *map)
struct _fcbgetmapfcb (struct _vcb *vcb)
void * f11b_search_fcb (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _fiddef *fid)
unsigned writechunk (struct _fcb *fcb, unsigned long vblock, char *buff)
unsigned mounte2 (unsigned flags, unsigned devices, char *devnam[], char *label[], struct _vcb **retvcb)
unsigned f11b_access (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _irp *irp)
unsigned f11b_delete (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _irp *irp)
unsigned f11b_create (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _irp *i)
int f11b_read_writevb (struct _irp *i)
int f11b_io_done (struct _irp *i)
unsigned f11b_extend (struct _fcb *fcb, unsigned blocks, unsigned contig)
void * fcb_create2 (struct _fh2 *head, unsigned *retsts)
void * f11b_read_header (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _fiddef *fid, struct _fcb *fcb, unsigned long *retsts)
void vms_ll_rw_block (int rw, int nr, struct buffer_head *bhs[], kdev_t dev)
void vms_mark_buffer_dirty (struct buffer_head *bh)
int e2_fcb_wcb_add_one (struct _fcb *fcb, signed long vbn, signed long result)
int ext2_delete_entry2 (struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *dir, struct page *page, struct inode *inode)
void * exttwo_fcb_create (struct inode *inode, int i_ino, unsigned *retsts)
int exttwo_read_writevb (struct _irp *i)
unsigned exttwo_delete (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _irp *irp)
 exttwo_modify (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _irp *irp)
int exttwo_io_done (struct _irp *i)
unsigned exttwo_create (struct _vcb *vcb, struct _irp *i)
struct _ucbfinducb (struct _fcb *fcb)
int exe_altquepkt (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u)
 entering the driver's alternate start i/o routine - see 5.2 22.2.2
int GET_DCL (struct _ucb *ucb)
int VERIFY_SENSE (int *outsize, int **buf, struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
int jobctl_unsolicit (struct dsc_descriptor *term)
int tty_getnextchar (int *chr, int *CC, struct _ucb *u)
int tty_putnextchar (int *chr, int *CC, struct _ucb *u)
void con_startio (int R3, struct _ucb *u, signed int CC)
asmlinkage int exe_qiow (unsigned int efn, unsigned short int chan, unsigned int func, struct _iosb *iosb, void(*astadr)(__unknown_params), long astprm, void *p1, long p2, long p3, long p4, long p5, long p6)
asmlinkage int exe_qio (unsigned int efn, unsigned short int chan, unsigned int func, struct _iosb *iosb, void(*astadr)(__unknown_params), long astprm, void *p1, long p2, long p3, long p4, long p5, long p6)
 initiating device action - see 5.2 21.6.1
asmlinkage int cmod_astexit ()
 run after ast called in lower level modes - see 5.2 7.5.3
asmlinkage long sys_unlink (const char *pathname)
asmlinkage long sys_reboot (int magic1, int magic2, unsigned int cmd, void *arg)
int exe_waitfr (unsigned int efn)
int con_fdtwrite (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
void myout (int tty, int p1, int p2)
int kbd_fdtread (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
 CLASS_UNIT_INIT (struct _ucb *ucb, struct _tt_port *port_vector)
 kfreebuf (void *d)
 free single buffer or buffer chain
int lan_setmode (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
int lan_sensemode (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
int lan_setchar (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
int lan_sensechar (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
int lan_eth_type_trans (struct _ucb *u, void *data)
int lan_netif_rx (struct _ucb *u, void *bdsc)
int lan_readblk (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
void * lan_alloc_cxb (int len)
void * lan_alloc_xmit_buf (struct _irp *i, struct _ucbnidef *u, char *dest)
int ft_fdtread (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
int ft_fdtwrite (struct _irp *i, struct _pcb *p, struct _ucb *u, struct _ccb *c)
int SEARCHDEV (struct _ddb **ddb, char *string, int strlen)
int SEARCHUNIT (struct _ddb *ddb, int unit, struct _ucb **ucb)
void mscp_talk_with (char *node, char *sysap)
void sig_exit (int sig, int exit_code, struct siginfo *info)
int new_thread (int nr, unsigned long clone_flags, unsigned long esp, unsigned long unused, struct task_struct *p, struct pt_regs *regs)
void set_ccb_wind (short int channel, struct _fcb *fcb)
unsigned device_lookup (unsigned devlen, char *devnam, int create, short int *retchan)
unsigned deaccesschunk (unsigned wrtvbn, int wrtblks, int reuse)
unsigned mount (unsigned flags, unsigned devices, char *devnam[], char *label[], struct _vcb **vcb)
int unlock_xqp (char *prefix, struct __xqp *xqp)
int serial_file (char *prefix, struct __xqp *xqp, int fid)
int volume_lock (char *prefix, char *name)

Function Documentation

void __du_init ( void   ) 

void __fl_init ( void   ) 

Referenced by vms_init4().

int add_wcb ( struct _fcb fcb,
unsigned short *  map 

int alloc_ipid (  ) 

Definition at line 63 of file syspcntrl.c.

References MAXPROCESSCNT, sch_gl_pcbvec, and sch_gl_seqvec.

Referenced by exe_creprc().

BLISSIF ( int  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file vmslib.c.

Referenced by BLISSIFNOT().

BLISSIFNOT ( int  i  )  [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file vmslib.c.

References BLISSIF().

int block_commit_write2 ( struct inode *  inode,
struct page *  page,
unsigned  from,
unsigned  to,
unsigned long  pageno 

int block_prepare_write2 ( struct inode *  inode,
struct page *  page,
unsigned  from,
unsigned  to,
unsigned long  pageno 

int block_read_full_page3 ( struct _fcb fcb,
struct page *  page,
unsigned long  pageno 

int block_write_full_page3 ( struct _fcb fcb,
struct page *  page,
unsigned long  pageno 

Definition at line 1215 of file vmsbuffer.c.

References _fcb::fcb_l_filesize, and _fcb::fcb_l_primfcb.

Referenced by mmg_purgempl().

unsigned long buffer_offset ( unsigned long  buffer,
unsigned long  offset 
) [inline]

long CH_MOVE ( long  ,
long  ,

Definition at line 59 of file vmslib.c.

long CH_PTR ( long   ) 

Definition at line 37 of file vmslib.c.

int check_packet ( char *  packet,
int  size,
int  deall 

Definition at line 671 of file memoryalc.c.

Referenced by exe_allocate(), exe_allocate_pool(), and exe_std_alononpaged().

CLASS_UNIT_INIT ( struct _ucb ucb,
struct _tt_port port_vector 
) [inline]

asmlinkage int cmod_astexit (  ) 

run after ast called in lower level modes - see 5.2 7.5.3

clears astact bit and rewinds stack

Definition at line 24 of file system_service_dispatcher.c.

References _pcb, ctl_gl_pcb, IPL__ASTDEL, and sch_newlvl().

Referenced by exe_clrast().

int con_fdtwrite ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

void con_startio ( int  R3,
struct _ucb u,
signed int  CC 

int con_vmsinit ( void   ) 

void configure_init ( void   ) 

int convert_soname ( char *  name  ) 

int copy_files ( unsigned long  clone_flags,
struct task_struct *  tsk 

Referenced by exe_creprc().

int copy_fs ( unsigned long  clone_flags,
struct task_struct *  tsk 
) [inline]

Referenced by exe_creprc().

int copy_sighand ( unsigned long  clone_flags,
struct task_struct *  tsk 
) [inline]

Referenced by exe_creprc().

int cwps_forcex ( unsigned int *  pidadr,
void *  prcnam,
unsigned int  code 

unsigned deaccesschunk ( unsigned  wrtvbn,
int  wrtblks,
int  reuse 

unsigned short dev2chan ( kdev_t  dev  ) 

Referenced by bread().

unsigned device_lookup ( unsigned  devlen,
char *  devnam,
int  create,
short int *  retchan 

DEVICELOCK (  )  [inline]

DEVICEUNLOCK (  )  [inline]

char* do_file_translate ( char *  from  ) 

char* do_translate ( char *  from  ) 

void* du_init ( char *  s  ) 

void du_iodb_clu_vmsinit ( struct _ucb u  ) 

long du_iodb_vmsinit ( void   ) 

long du_iodbunit_vmsinit ( struct _ddb ddb,
int  unitno,
void *  d 

int du_readblk ( struct _irp i,
struct _ucb u,
struct _mscp_basic_pkt m 

int du_rw ( struct _irp i,
struct _mscp_ucb u,
struct _transfer_commands m 

int du_writeblk ( struct _irp i,
struct _ucb u,
struct _mscp_basic_pkt m 

int dup_stuff ( struct mm_struct *  mm,
struct _phd phd 
) [inline]

Referenced by init_fork_p1pp().

int e2_fcb_wcb_add_one ( struct _fcb fcb,
signed long  vbn,
signed long  result 

signed long e2_map_vbn ( struct _fcb fcb,
signed long  vbn 

struct _fcb* e2_search_fcb ( void *  v  )  [read]

int ec_vmsinit ( int  dev  ) 

int er_vmsinit ( int  dev  ) 

int exe_altquepkt ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u 

entering the driver's alternate start i/o routine - see 5.2 22.2.2

i irp
p pcb
u ucb


smp stuff - MISSING

locate ddt_l_altstart

call it

unlock fork

Definition at line 111 of file sysqioreq.c.

References _ddt::ddt_l_altstart, forklock(), forkunlock(), SS__NORMAL, _ucb::ucb_b_flck, and _ucb::ucb_l_ddt.

asmlinkage int exe_qio ( unsigned int  efn,
unsigned short int  chan,
unsigned int  func,
struct _iosb iosb,
void(*)(__unknown_params)  astadr,
long  astprm,
void *  p1,
long  p2,
long  p3,
long  p4,
long  p5,
long  p6 

initiating device action - see 5.2 21.6.1

efn event flag
chan i/o channel
func function
iosb i/o status block
astadr ast routine
astprm ast parameter

clear event flag

verify channel number TODO redo

access mode check - MISSING

access or deaccess pending in ccb_l_wind stuff - MISSING

device spooled stuff - MISSING

access check verify - MISSING

check fdt mask to get buffer or whatever type - MISSING TODO check

check func code legality - MISSING

some check for offline device - MISSING

if iosb nonzero check iosb writeable - TODO redo

raise ipl

check proc quota - MISSING

allocate irp

initialize irp

do not set bufio if function code does not say buffered - MISSING

set quota bit - MISSING

if astadr nonzero charge quota - MISSING

if ccb_l_wind nonzero store in irp - MISSING

ccb increase outstanding i/o count - MISSING

some more device access checks - MISSING

diagnostic buffer - MISSING

do preprocessing - MISSING TODO check it

TODO does it do one or more functions

call i/o function

invoke event flag poster

if error, do abortio - MISSING

Definition at line 250 of file sysqioreq.c.

References _pcb, ctl_ga_ccb_table, ctl_gl_chindx, exe_clref(), exe_gl_abstim_tics, IPL__ASTDEL, _irp::irp_b_efn, _irp::irp_b_pri, _irp::irp_b_rmod, _irp::irp_b_type, _irp::irp_l_ast, _irp::irp_l_astprm, _irp::irp_l_func, _irp::irp_l_iosb, _irp::irp_l_pid, _irp::irp_l_qio_p1, _irp::irp_l_qio_p2, _irp::irp_l_qio_p3, _irp::irp_l_qio_p4, _irp::irp_l_qio_p5, _irp::irp_l_qio_p6, _irp::irp_l_sts, _irp::irp_l_ucb, _irp::irp_v_fcode, _irp::irp_v_fmod, _irp::irp_w_chan, _irp::irp_w_empty, kmalloc(), sch_postef(), and SS__ILLIOFUNC.

asmlinkage int exe_qiow ( unsigned int  efn,
unsigned short int  chan,
unsigned int  func,
struct _iosb iosb,
void(*)(__unknown_params)  astadr,
long  astprm,
void *  p1,
long  p2,
long  p3,
long  p4,
long  p5,
long  p6 

Definition at line 215 of file sysqioreq.c.

References struct_qio::astadr, exe_synch(), and sys_qio().

int exe_waitfr ( unsigned int  efn  ) 

Definition at line 117 of file syswait.c.

References exe_wait().

int ext2_delete_entry2 ( struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *  dir,
struct page *  page,
struct inode *  inode 

int ext2_direct_IO ( int  rw,
struct inode *  inode,
struct kiobuf *  iobuf,
unsigned long  blocknr,
int  blocksize 

int ext2_get_block ( struct inode *  inode,
long  iblock,
signed long *  bh_result,
int  create,
struct _fcb fcb 

Referenced by generic_direct_IO().

unsigned exttwo_create ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _irp i 

unsigned exttwo_delete ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _irp irp 

void* exttwo_fcb_create ( struct inode *  inode,
int  i_ino,
unsigned *  retsts 

void exttwo_init2 ( void *  vcb  ) 

Referenced by exe_procstrt(), and vms_init2().

int exttwo_io_done ( struct _irp i  ) 

exttwo_modify ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _irp irp 

int exttwo_read_writevb ( struct _irp i  ) 

void* exttwo_search_fcb ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct inode *  inode 

void* exttwo_search_fcb2 ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _fiddef fid 

unsigned f11b_access ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _irp irp 

unsigned f11b_create ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _irp i 

unsigned f11b_delete ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _irp irp 

unsigned f11b_extend ( struct _fcb fcb,
unsigned  blocks,
unsigned  contig 

int f11b_io_done ( struct _irp i  ) 

signed int f11b_map_idxvbn ( struct _vcb vcb,
unsigned int  vbn 

signed int f11b_map_vbn ( unsigned int  vbn,
struct _wcb wcb 

void* f11b_read_header ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _fiddef fid,
struct _fcb fcb,
unsigned long *  retsts 

int f11b_read_writevb ( struct _irp i  ) 

void* f11b_search_fcb ( struct _vcb vcb,
struct _fiddef fid 

void f11b_write_attrib ( struct _fcb fcb,
struct _atrdef atrp 

void* fcb_create2 ( struct _fh2 head,
unsigned *  retsts 

int fd_vmsinit ( void   ) 

void* find_a_cdt ( int  a  ) 

Referenced by cwps_forcex().

void* find_free_cdt ( void   ) 

int find_highest ( struct _lkb lck,
struct _rsb res 

void* find_mscp_cdt ( void   ) 

struct task_struct* find_process_by_pid ( pid_t  pid  )  [read]

void* find_task_by_pid ( int  pid  )  [inline]

Definition at line 382 of file syspcntrl.c.

References exe_ipid_to_pcb().

Referenced by find_process_by_pid().

struct vm_area_struct* find_vma_intersection2 ( struct mm_struct *  mm,
unsigned long  start_addr,
unsigned long  end_addr 
) [read]

unsigned long findpte_new ( struct mm_struct *  mm,
unsigned long  address 

struct _ucb* finducb ( struct _fcb fcb  )  [read]

void fixup_hib_pc ( void *  dummy  ) 

modifies the stack so that it will call exe_wait again.

Definition at line 150 of file syspcntrl.c.

Referenced by exe_hiber(), and exe_wait().

struct _ucb* fl_init ( char *  s  )  [read]


int forklock ( int  i,
signed int  j 
) [inline]

forklock - see 5.2 8.3.7

forklock with spinlock and setipl not 100% according to spec

i lock type
j new ipl

Definition at line 49 of file forkcntrl.c.

References fork_lock_struct::ipl, and spin.

Referenced by exe_altquepkt(), exe_finishio(), exe_insioq(), and exe_std_abortio().


void forkunlock ( int  i,
signed int  j 
) [inline]

forkunlock - see 5.2 8.3.7

forkunlock with spinunlock and setipl not 100% according to spec

i lock type
j new ipl

Definition at line 64 of file forkcntrl.c.

References fork_lock_struct::ipl, and spin.

Referenced by exe_altquepkt(), exe_finishio(), exe_insioq(), and exe_std_abortio().

int ft_fdtread ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int ft_fdtwrite ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int ft_vmsinit ( void   ) 

Referenced by vms_init4().

int generic_commit_write2 ( struct inode *  inode,
struct page *  page,
unsigned  from,
unsigned  to,
unsigned long  pageno 

int GET_DCL ( struct _ucb ucb  ) 

unsigned long get_x2p_prim_fcb (  ) 

unsigned long get_xqp_prim_fcb (  ) 

unsigned long* getefc ( struct _pcb *  p,
unsigned long  efn 
) [inline]

Definition at line 35 of file sysevtsrv.c.

References _ceb::ceb_l_efc.

Referenced by exe_clref(), exe_readef(), exe_wait(), and sch_postef().

unsigned long* getefcno ( unsigned long  efn  )  [inline]

Definition at line 44 of file sysevtsrv.c.

Referenced by sch_postef().

unsigned long* getefcp ( struct _pcb *  p,
unsigned long  efn 
) [inline]

Returns a pointer to the event flag give a PCB and the event flag number.

p PCB pointer
efn event flag number

Definition at line 31 of file sysevtsrv.c.

Referenced by exe_ascefc(), exe_dacefc(), exe_wait(), and sch_postef().

struct _fcb* getmapfcb ( struct _vcb vcb  )  [read]

int grant_queued ( struct _rsb res,
int  ggmode_not,
int  docvt,
int  dowt 

long ide_iodb_vmsinit ( int  mscp  ) 

long ide_iodbunit_vmsinit ( struct _ddb ddb,
int  unitno,
void *  dsc 

int ide_vmsinit ( void   ) 

void ini_ddt_cancel ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_ddt_ctrlinit ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_ddt_end ( struct _ddt d  )  [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_ddt_erlgbf ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_ddt_kp_reg_mask ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_ddt_kp_stack_size ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_ddt_kp_startio ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_ddt_qsrv_helper ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_ddt_regdmp ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_ddt_start ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_ddt_unitinit ( struct _ddt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_adapt ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_adptype ( struct _dpt d,
long  l 
) [inline]

void ini_dpt_defunits ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_end ( struct _dpt d  )  [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_flags ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_dpt_maxunits ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_dpt_name ( struct _dpt d,
char *  n 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_struc_init ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_struc_reinit ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_ucb_crams ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_ucbsize ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

void ini_dpt_unload ( struct _dpt d,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_dpt_vector ( struct _dpt d,
long  l 
) [inline]

void ini_fdt_act ( struct _fdt f,
unsigned long long  mask,
void *  fn,
unsigned long  type 
) [inline]

void ini_fdt_end ( struct _fdt fdt  )  [inline]

Referenced by mb_init_tables().

int init_crb ( struct _crb crb  ) 

Definition at line 150 of file ucbcredel.c.

References _crb::crb_b_type, and SS__NORMAL.

Referenced by mb_iodb_vmsinit().

int init_ddb ( struct _ddb ddb,
struct _ddt ddt,
struct _ucb ucb,
char *  sddb 

Definition at line 126 of file ucbcredel.c.

References _ddb::ddb_b_type, _ddb::ddb_l_ddt, _ddb::ddb_ps_ucb, _ddb::ddb_t_name, and SS__NORMAL.

Referenced by mb_iodb_vmsinit().

int init_fork_p1pp ( struct _pcb *  pcb,
struct _phd phd,
struct _pcb *  oldpcb,
struct _phd oldphd 

initialization of p1 space when forking

pcb new process pcb
phd new process phd
pcb old process pcb
phd old process phd

Definition at line 428 of file shell.c.

References _PAGE_NEWPAGE, _pcb, allocate_mm, ctl_gl_chindx, ctl_gl_lnmdirect, ctl_gl_lnmhash, ctl_gq_procpriv, dup_stuff(), init_p1pp_data(), init_p1pp_long(), init_p1pp_long_long(), IPL__MMG, mem_map, mm_init(), mmg_ininewpfn(), pte_alloc(), and SPIN_MMG.

Referenced by exe_creprc().

void init_p1pp ( struct _pcb *  pcb,
struct _phd phd 

void init_p1pp_data ( struct _pcb *  pcb,
struct _phd phd,
signed long  offset 

initialization of p1 data

pcb process pcb
phd process phd
offset an offset

Definition at line 83 of file shell.c.

References CHANNELCNT, ctl_gl_ccbbase, ctl_gl_chindx, ctl_gl_pcb, ctl_gl_phd, and init_p1pp_long().

Referenced by init_fork_p1pp(), init_p1pp(), and init_sys_p1pp().

void init_p1pp_long ( unsigned long  addr,
signed long  offset,
signed long  val 

Definition at line 66 of file shell.c.

Referenced by init_fork_p1pp(), and init_p1pp_data().

void init_p1pp_long_long ( unsigned long  addr,
signed long  offset,
signed long long  val 

Definition at line 71 of file shell.c.

Referenced by init_fork_p1pp().

int init_phd ( struct _phd phd  ) 

Referenced by exe_creprc(), and vms_init3().

void init_sys_p1pp (  ) 

int init_ucb ( struct _ucb ucb,
struct _ddb ddb,
struct _ddt ddt,
struct _crb crb 

void insertdevlist ( struct _ddb d  ) 

Referenced by mb_iodb_vmsinit().

insertfillist ( struct _ucb u,
char *  s 

int insrde ( struct _rde elem,
struct _rde head 
) [inline]

void iosbret ( struct _irp i,
int  sts 

int ip4_vmsinit ( void   ) 

Referenced by vms_init4().

int is_cluster_on (  ) 

Referenced by exe_nampid().

int jobctl_unsolicit ( struct dsc_descriptor *  term  ) 

int kbd_fdtread ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int kbd_vmsinit ( void   ) 

void kernel_puts ( const char *  s  ) 

Referenced by init_sys_p1pp().

kfreebuf ( void *  d  ) 

free single buffer or buffer chain

d buffer

Definition at line 39 of file iociopost.c.

References _bufio::bufio_b_type, _cxb::cxb_l_link, _cxb::cxb_ps_pktdata, DYN_C_BUFIO, DYN_C_CXB, and kfree().

Referenced by movbuf().

void* lan_alloc_cxb ( int  len  ) 

void* lan_alloc_xmit_buf ( struct _irp i,
struct _ucbnidef u,
char *  dest 

int lan_eth_type_trans ( struct _ucb u,
void *  data 

int lan_netif_rx ( struct _ucb u,
void *  bdsc 

int lan_readblk ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int lan_sensechar ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int lan_sensemode ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int lan_setchar ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int lan_setmode ( struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int lck_grant_lock ( struct _lkb lck,
struct _rsb res,
signed int  curmode,
signed int  nextmode,
int  flags,
int  efn,
signed int  ggmode 

void lck_searchdlck ( void   ) 

Definition at line 19 of file deadlock.c.

Referenced by exe_timeout().

int lnm_check_prot (  ) 

Definition at line 343 of file lnmsub.c.

Referenced by exe_crelnt().

int lnm_hash ( const int  length,
const unsigned char *  log,
const unsigned long  mask,
unsigned long *  myhash 

Definition at line 49 of file lnmsub.c.

References lnmprintf, LNMSHASHTBL, and SS__NORMAL.

Referenced by lnm_init_prc(), lnm_init_sys(), lnm_inslogtab(), lnm_presearch(), and lnm_searchlog().

void lnm_init_prc ( struct _pcb *  p  ) 

void lnm_lock ( void   ) 

Definition at line 382 of file lnmsub.c.

References sch_lockw().

void lnm_lockr ( void   ) 

Definition at line 390 of file lnmsub.c.

References sch_lockw().

Referenced by exe_trnlnm().

void lnm_lockw ( void   ) 

Definition at line 398 of file lnmsub.c.

References sch_lockw().

Referenced by exe_crelnm(), exe_crelnt(), and exe_dellnm().

void lnm_unlock ( void   ) 

Definition at line 386 of file lnmsub.c.

References sch_unlockw().

Referenced by exe_crelnm(), exe_crelnt(), and exe_trnlnm().

void lnm_unlockr ( void   ) 

Definition at line 394 of file lnmsub.c.

References sch_unlockw().

void lnm_unlockw ( void   ) 

Definition at line 402 of file lnmsub.c.

References sch_unlockw().

void make_fcb ( struct inode *  inode  ) 

int maybe_blkast ( struct _rsb res,
struct _lkb lck 

int mb_chanunwait ( struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

int mb_vmsinit ( void   ) 

Definition at line 734 of file mbdriver.c.

References mb_iodb_vmsinit().

struct mm_struct* mm_init ( struct mm_struct *  mm  )  [read]

Referenced by init_fork_p1pp().

unsigned mount ( unsigned  flags,
unsigned  devices,
char *  devnam[],
char *  label[],
struct _vcb **  vcb 

unsigned mounte2 ( unsigned  flags,
unsigned  devices,
char *  devnam[],
char *  label[],
struct _vcb **  retvcb 

void mscp_talk_with ( char *  node,
char *  sysap 

mycheckaddr ( unsigned int  ctl  ) 

check content ok

Definition at line 102 of file sched.c.

References _pcb, ctl_gl_pcb, sch_aq_comh, sch_aq_comt, and sch_gl_comqs.

Referenced by sch_chsep(), sch_chsep2(), sch_resched(), sch_rse(), and sch_sched().

void myout ( int  tty,
int  p1,
int  p2 

mypfncheckaddr (  ) 

Definition at line 482 of file allocpfn.c.

References mem_map, pfn_al_head, pfn_al_tail, and _mypfn::pfn_l_blink.

Referenced by mmg_inspfn().

void myqio ( long  rw,
long  data,
long  size,
long  blocknr,
kdev_t  dev,
long  block_factor 

Referenced by block_truncate_page().

int new_thread ( int  nr,
unsigned long  clone_flags,
unsigned long  esp,
unsigned long  unused,
struct task_struct *  p,
struct pt_regs *  regs 

Referenced by exe_creprc().

int ods2_block_read_full_page3 ( struct _wcb wcb,
struct page *  page,
unsigned long  pageno 

int ods2_block_write_full_page3 ( struct _wcb wcb,
struct page *  page,
unsigned long  pageno 

Referenced by mmg_purgempl().

int path_unix_to_vms ( char *  new,
char *  old 

unsigned phyio_init ( int  devlen,
char *  devnam,
struct file **  handle,
struct phyio_info *  info,
struct _dt_ucb ucb 

unsigned phyio_read ( unsigned  handle,
unsigned  block,
unsigned  length,
char *  buffer 

unsigned phyio_write ( unsigned  handle,
unsigned  block,
unsigned  length,
char *  buffer 

int pn_vmsinit ( void   ) 

Referenced by vms_init4().

int poison_packet ( char *  packet,
int  size,
int  deall 

void rdtscll_sync ( unsigned long *  tsc  )  [inline]

void registerdevchan ( unsigned long  dev,
unsigned short  chan 

ssize_t rms_generic_file_read ( struct file *  filp,
char *  buf,
size_t  count,
loff_t *  ppos 

Referenced by exe_imgact(), and myread().

int rms_get_idx ( struct _rabdef rab  ) 

int rms_kernel_read ( struct file *  file,
unsigned long  offset,
char *  addr,
unsigned long  count 

struct file* rms_open_exec ( const char *  name  )  [read]

Referenced by exe_imgact(), and myopenfile().

int rms_prepare_binprm ( struct linux_binprm *  bprm  ) 

void scs_fill_dx ( struct _nisca msg,
unsigned short  dx_hi,
unsigned long  dx_lo,
unsigned short  sr_hi,
unsigned long  sr_lo 

void* scs_find_name ( char *  c1  ) 

int scs_from_myself ( struct _nisca msg,
unsigned short  sr_hi,
unsigned long  sr_lo 

void scs_msg_ctl_comm ( struct _cdt sk,
unsigned char  msgflg 

void scs_msg_ctl_fill ( char *  buf,
struct _cdt cdt,
unsigned char  msgflg 

void scs_msg_fill ( char *  buf,
struct _cdt cdt,
unsigned char  msgflg,
struct _scs newscs 

void scs_msg_fill_more ( char *  buf,
struct _cdt cdt,
struct _cdrp cdrp,
int  bufsiz 

int scs_neigh_endnode_hello ( struct sk_buff *  skb  ) 

void scs_nsp_send2 ( char *  buf,
int  len 
) [inline]

void scs_nsp_send_conninit2 ( struct _cdt sk,
unsigned char  msgflg,
char *  rprnam,
char *  lprnam,
char *  condat 

int scs_rcv ( struct sk_buff *  skb,
struct net_device *  dev,
struct packet_type *  pt 

int scs_rcv2 ( char *  bufh,
char *  buf 

void scs_receive ( int  i  ) 

scs_startdev ( scs_int2  ,
setflag  ,

unsigned search_ent ( struct _fcb fcb,
struct dsc_descriptor *  fibdsc,
struct dsc $descriptor *  filedsc,
unsigned short *  reslen,
struct dsc $descriptor *  resdsc,
unsigned  eofblk,
unsigned  action 

int search_log_repl ( char *  name,
char **  retname,
int *  retsize 

int SEARCHDEV ( struct _ddb **  ddb,
char *  string,
int  strlen 

int SEARCHUNIT ( struct _ddb ddb,
int  unit,
struct _ucb **  ucb 

int serial_file ( char *  prefix,
struct __xqp *  xqp,
int  fid 

void set_ccb_wind ( short int  channel,
struct _fcb fcb 

int set_rtc_mmss ( unsigned long  nowtime  ) 

int shell_init_other ( struct _pcb *  pcb,
struct _pcb *  oldpcb,
long  addr,
long  oldaddr 

initialization of p1 space when not(?) forking

pcb new process pcb
phd new process phd
pcb old process pcb
phd old process phd

Definition at line 100 of file shell.c.

References _PAGE_NEWPAGE, IPL__MMG, mem_map, mmg_ininewpfn(), pte_alloc(), and SPIN_MMG.

Referenced by exe_creprc().

void sig_exit ( int  sig,
int  exit_code,
struct siginfo *  info 

int swapbytes ( long  ,

Definition at line 170 of file vmslib.c.

asmlinkage long sys_reboot ( int  magic1,
int  magic2,
unsigned int  cmd,
void *  arg 

asmlinkage long sys_unlink ( const char *  pathname  ) 

int task_on_comqueue ( struct _pcb *  p  ) 

is the task on comqueue?

Definition at line 405 of file sched.c.

References _pcb, and sch_aq_comh.

Referenced by sch_chsep(), sch_resched(), and sch_waitk().

int tty_getnextchar ( int *  chr,
int *  CC,
struct _ucb u 

int tty_putnextchar ( int *  chr,
int *  CC,
struct _ucb u 

int tty_vmsinit ( void   ) 

Referenced by vms_init4().

int tz_vmsinit ( void   ) 

Referenced by vms_init4().

int ubd_vmsinit ( void   ) 

int unlock_xqp ( char *  prefix,
struct __xqp *  xqp 

int user_spaceable (  ) 

int user_spaceable_addr ( void *  addr  ) 

Referenced by sch_astdel().

int VERIFY_SENSE ( int *  outsize,
int **  buf,
struct _irp i,
struct _pcb *  p,
struct _ucb u,
struct _ccb c 

void vms_ll_rw_block ( int  rw,
int  nr,
struct buffer_head *  bhs[],
kdev_t  dev 

void vms_mark_buffer_dirty ( struct buffer_head *  bh  ) 

void vms_submit_bh ( int  rw,
struct buffer_head *  bh 

Referenced by brw_kiovec().

int volume_lock ( char *  prefix,
char *  name 

unsigned writechunk ( struct _fcb fcb,
unsigned long  vblock,
char *  buff 

void xqp_init2 ( void   ) 

Referenced by exe_procstrt(), and vms_init2().

Generated on Fri Oct 9 10:25:52 2009 for FreeVMS by  doxygen 1.5.5