[FreeVMS] Task List

Subject: [FreeVMS] Task List
From: Andrew Allison (freevms@sympatico.ca)
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 04:01:25 CEST


    I was looking at some of the LIB$, MTH$ stuff, but it kinda mixes into
DCL. I think they are linked / tied together. Currently some of the Show
Time... stuff is internal to DCL which calls some of the get time functions
and so on. I'm willing to do some more work on dcl and the other functions,
if they have been orphaned.

    What do you think?

    What sort of problems were encountered using $ signs in the function
names. It just doesn't seem right calling stuff lib_cvt instead of LIB$CVT.

    Unless someone else would like this kettle of fish.


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