[FreeVMS] Re: Hello

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Hello
From: BERTRAND Joël (joel.k.bertrand@free.fr)
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 14:23:36 CEST

> Hello,


> I have seen with pleasure the FreeVMS project is alive and I would like to join you. My experience on VMS is 8 years with jobs of system programmer and system manager.

        You are welcome.

> I would like to known the state of the project and what are the points to treat in priority.

        The main goal is to build a OS that can run on i386 arch. I'm working
on the design of a CPU board (with U2W-SCSI interface, floppy disk, LAN
and PCI bus) that uses a Leon processor (SparcV8 / 50 Mhz in a first
case [FPGA]) and 256 Mb of SDRAM. This CPU board is nearly completed and
I will start a port of the kernel on this architecture.

        We have a SRM-like boot console too that only works on i386 and we have
started to clone DCL.

        Best regards,


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