[FreeVMS] Re: New release 0.0.13

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: New release 0.0.13
From: David Wijnants (dwijnants@askalix.com)
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 09:56:49 CEST

roart@nvg.ntnu.no wrote:
> A lot DCL needs (also besides from internal procedures) seems to depend
> on the kernel, so that will be done later.

Wouldn't these just call system services (sys$getjpi, etc.)? I find the
idea that the command line interpreter is 'part of the kernel' terribly

> Speaking of participation:
> Is FreeVMS doomed from the beginning, due to a culture difference?
> The culture being people expecting a finished product without contributing
> themselves, and without being able to change?

I'd volunteer to write some userland programs (e.g. directory.exe and
search.exe), but I'm not sure where to start without lib$find_file
(which uses sys$search, i.e. RMS) for logical name and search path

For now, I'm still a little hesitant to start using FreeVMS while it is
in its infancy; but please don't take this as a criticism, it's supposed
to be an encouragement. I suppose once the kernel and system services
are ready, the rest will follow very quickly.

Don't give up!


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