[FreeVMS] Re: New release 0.0.13

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: New release 0.0.13
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 13:27:00 CEST

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 08:56:49AM +0100, David Wijnants wrote:
> roart@nvg.ntnu.no wrote:
> > A lot DCL needs (also besides from internal procedures) seems to depend
> > on the kernel, so that will be done later.
> Wouldn't these just call system services (sys$getjpi, etc.)? I find the

Yes, a lot of not yet implemented services and kernel functionality.

> idea that the command line interpreter is 'part of the kernel' terribly
> scary...

Just the supervisor layer (outside the kernel and executive layer).
I am not sure what kind of data resides in that layer.

> I'd volunteer to write some userland programs (e.g. directory.exe and
> search.exe), but I'm not sure where to start without lib$find_file
> (which uses sys$search, i.e. RMS) for logical name and search path
> handling.

(And RMS is again dependent on the fs, which will be worked on again in May)

You will just have to work around it and use the same routines ls and find
use, or just do a partial implementation and do the rest some time later.

You will soon get the hang of it. :)

Just send me wanted cvs username and hashed password and you will get access.

> For now, I'm still a little hesitant to start using FreeVMS while it is

Of course, any use in a production system is years away.

Roar Thronæs

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