[FreeVMS] Re: Optional trailing arguments to system-services

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Optional trailing arguments to system-services
From: Geoffrey Pratt (geoff@genna.demon.co.uk)
Date: Sat Dec 27 2003 - 23:00:56 CET


I thought that there were optional arguments that weren't trailing, and
that you passed a NULL pointer as place-holders when the arguments were
not required.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 27/12/03, 14:13:42, JayPedHskr@aol.com wrote regarding [FreeVMS]
Optional trailing arguments to system-services:

> Hi,

> One of the staples of the VMS system-services and run-time-library
> is optional arguments. I am almost positive they were the trailing
> ... since the argument-count in the call-frame was used to determine if
> arguments were passed or not.

> Is this supported in FreeVMS; and if so ... is it being done with the C
> varargs interface? Or ... how is this being accomplished?

> -Jay

> --
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