[FreeVMS] RMS and SCA

Subject: [FreeVMS] RMS and SCA
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 15:41:29 CEST


I have found some public available implementations of RMS and SCA
(on trailing-edge).
(SCA is the System Communications Architecture, the DEC cluster protocols)

I have also found some SCA specifications (but not quite public available).

Even though I am currently not able to understand the SCA implementation code,
I can make something out of the rest.
The results may come some time later.

Not in the next release, the next release will contain support for
RMS on ext2 (doing thing like dir [usr] and type [etc]group).
Also, maybe even running binaries (run [bin]ls) and more blocksize support.

Roar Thronæs

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