Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Help with FreeVMS
From: Mr. White (
Date: Sun May 25 2003 - 11:24:37 CEST wrote:
> On Sat, May 17, 2003 at 12:31:29PM +0200, Mr. White wrote:
>>I'm tracing myself and I can't get out
> How many times have you tried?
> Try again and again. I get it myself, too. (But it is a while since last)
> I suspect it is vulnerable to something, but do not know why.
I've tried and tried but it always gets stuck when execve()ing init. I
don't always get the message, though. I'm sometimes able to interrupt
the process (CTRL-C) and sometimes not. Sometimes it leaves no orphaned
processes behind, and sometimes does.
I suspect it has something to do with SMP. Not that I have compiled
with SMP support, but I have an SMP system. I've been trying to debug
but I don't understand user-mode-linux enough.
I can send uml_mconsole messages and some succeed, but the kernel keeps
saying "ERR This driver only supports version 1 clients".
>>Additionally I would like to ask if anyone knows how could I read an
>>OpenVMS VAX 7.2 hobbyist CD from linux. I have an old VAXStation 3100
> You might use the vfs ods2-stuff on
Thanks very much, It works perfectly for me :-)
>>with no CD drive and a broken HD drive, and would like to know if I
>>could possibly get OpenVMS to run on it.
> You can.
Stanley F. Quanley additionaly answered:
> You're going to have to replace the hard drive, or network boot from
> another (working) VAX.
> Alternatively, I could send you an image file that holds the OpenVMS
> hobbyist CD, and you could serve that using the PoorManDISK Linux
> driver at:
> Performance will be poor, however...
I have no other VAX, but I succesfully net booted this one with NetBSD
from a linux a couple of years ago (when the hard drive expired). I have
no clue on VMS apart from DIR, EDIT, SET DEFAULT, and little more, but I
do have the 7.3 Hobbyist CD image, which I can read with the ods2-fs
above. I presume I could net load VMS's bootstrap using mopd and tftp,
but I don't know which file to use, or how to tell VMS where to get all
of its files.
I'd like to help out with the FreeVMS project, but I know very little
about VMS. On the other hand, I have some linux kernel, x86 assembler
and C knowledge, and would like to learn more about OS development and VMS.
Thanks again for your help.
-- "There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't."-- Liste de diffusion FreeVMS Pour se désinscrire :
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