Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: FreeVms : Basic Questions
From: BERTRAND Joël (
Date: Wed Oct 10 2001 - 10:01:40 CEST
Michel Herrscher Consultant wrote:
> Question 1 : Official language of this ML ?
Official language is english (sorry for my english...).
> Question 2 ? Is the goal to implement the totality of VMS ( devices support,
> DCL , File system etc) to be fully compatible using different hardwares
> Pentium, Itanium Alpha and VAX) or just transport the DCL and
> functionalities to other existing OS ( Linux, W32 , OS2 , etc ...) ?
The goal of this project is to create an OpenVMS clone. I think that we
shall start from a POSIX kernel (Linux or BSD) because we can reuse
several X servers and compilers. We will need in the first step a new
> I have a long time experience with VMS ( since 1979 VMS 1.3 and still going
> on ;) beside other OS.
> I can help in testing or more depending on the subject and the necessary
> time . In any case I'll follow this initiative as one of the best.
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