Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: gMach or Linux kernel ?
From: Magne Mæhre (
Date: Thu Oct 18 2001 - 12:40:21 CEST
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote (2001-10-18 11:44:15):
> We've got to start somewhere.
> Starting from scratch is hard.
My experience is that you need to have something running
at the earliest possible stage, and make sure the code
is runnable through the entire project.
I would, like others, suggest that we start with a Linux (or *BSD)
system. The first major goals should be (IMHO) to provide a
subset of DCL *and* a Files-11/ODS-2 file system. To achieve this,
I think we should set some minor goals, including subsets of
LIB$, STR$ and a "proxy-SYS$" (as perhaps a wrapper around the
Linux system calls).
The next major goal would be to provide a linker and a program loader
which conforms more closely to the VMS calling standard. Several
other libraries need to be written here (LBR$, ..)
To sum it up, I would suggest that we start with something that we
have and which is running now. Then add the bare necessities,
and then exchange the system services.
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