[FreeVMS] Re: VMS on Linux

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: VMS on Linux
From: Wesley Parish (wes.parish@paradise.net.nz)
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 04:36:07 CEST

I've only ever seen Charon for Windows, and I don't use Windows for serious work
- or serious fun!

Wesley Parish

Quoting "sysadmin@stanq.com" <sysadmin@stanq.com>:

> but for using VMS itself on
> > Linux, the only fully-working VAX emulators on Linux I know of are
> the
> > SIMH one:
> > http://simh.trailing-edge.com/
> > and the GPLed TS10 offshoot:
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/ts10/stable/
> The commercial product CHARON-VAX will also run VMS. Available soon on
> Linux:
> http://www.stanq.com/charon-vax.html
> --Stan Quayle
> Quayle Consulting Inc.
> ----------
> Stanley F. Quayle, P.E. N8SQ +1 614-868-1363
> 8572 North Spring Ct., Pickerington, OH 43147 USA
> Preferred address: stan-at-stanq-dot-com http://www.stanq.com
> --
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"Sharpened hands are happy hands.
"Brim the tinfall with mirthful bands"
- A Deepness in the Sky, Vernor Vinge

"I me. Shape middled me. I would come out into hot!"
I from the spicy that day was overcasked mockingly - it's a symbol of the
other horizon. - emacs : meta x dissociated-press

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