Subject: [FreeVMS] New release 0.0.51
From: Roar Thronæs (
Date: Sat Jan 31 2004 - 10:07:22 CET
New release 0.0.51 at (freevms-0_0_51.tgz and linker-0_0_45)
(Linker might not change each time)
Process logical support.
SCSI driver support has been removed for the time being.
$qio oriented console driver (it's bad, but it works)
Lib functions lib$put_output and lib$get_input.
Example program inout using lib$put_output (You have to push an unnecessary
enter before you get something, and the output is bad.
Only works with uml so far.
The RMS layer is not yet accustomed to non-disk I/O)
New and simpler build procedure, see HOWTO for that. (No make config anymore)
Have started translating/porting CMUIP ipdriver and ipacp, barely enough
to make it compile.
Will do more with the IP stuff.
At first it will replace Linux IPv4 driver in CONFIG_VMS mode, and
low-level ethernet drivers will also be changed.
For i386 use on both actual hardware and bochs it will mean that
only NE2000 and maybe Tulip will be supported.
Not so short-term I/O and other plans:
Let RMS also use Ext2 with write support.
Execute programs with execve and imgact on Ods-2.
Get more/better write-support in.
Do more SCA/SCS stuff.
After some time even more driver support might be cut/broke (the most).
Roar Thronæs
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