[FreeVMS] Command and qualifier validation

Subject: [FreeVMS] Command and qualifier validation
From: Christof Zeile (cz-fvms-04a@centermail.net)
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 11:41:01 CET

Hello all,

as far as I remember the problem of four or more valid letters for
command names has been discussed some years ago.

I think somebody mentioned, that there are DCL programs that
rely on the special behaviour of VMS.

An example: A DCL program uses SHOWXYZ instead of SHOW
to make sure it uses the original SHOW command, even in those
environments where a user (or sys manager) has defined a symbol
SHOW (or think of redefinitions of PRINT, SUBMIT etc.).

So perhaps a switch (i.e. a SET COMMAND_VALIDATION command
or something) could be useful, if all the old DCL programs are expected to
work with FreeVMS. I don't think a #define in the source code is really


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