Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Error Code Descriptions
From: Roar Thronæs (
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 15:17:25 CEST
On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 07:20:30PM -0400, Andrew Allison wrote:
> Hello:
> Has anyone seen a file containing the translation of error code numbers
> back into text?
> strlet/src/ssdef.h has the defines that can be used by programs to translate
> SS$_NORMAL to an error number, but is there the reverse there, so I know
> what error 1409588 is.
Use grep?
Or are you referring to the .msg files?
(I have seen them, but we may have to rewrite them)
It seems you will need to implement the MSG message facilty/utility/libs
(and it may depend on LBR librarian).
> I.e. does a precursor to sys$getmsg exist yet?
> I'm starting to be able to translate these in my head.
> Part 2
> If it doesn't exist what should it be called or is it integrated into
> sys$getmsg.
It exists, but is empty.
Just go ahead with it.
Roar Thronæs
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