Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Coding Standard
From: Stanley F. Quayle (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 15:11:01 CEST
On 10 Sep 2003 at 13:27, Roar Thronæs wrote:
> I don't think VMS uses naming like lib$addx.c, rather libaddx.c, and short.
> Should in any case not have $s in the filename; I have had problems with it
> (mkdep and such).
I agree. But might I suggest "lib_addx.c"? Then we'd know which
library/RTL that the function belongs.
This will be increasingly important when porting another set of
functions which start with "lib"...
--Stan Quayle
Quayle Consulting Inc.
Stanley F. Quayle, P.E. N8SQ +1 614-868-1363 Fax: +1 614 868-1671
8572 North Spring Ct. NW, Pickerington, OH 43147
Preferred address:
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