[FreeVMS] Re: RMS experience

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: RMS experience
From: Marius Popa Adrian (mapopa@reea.net)
Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 14:29:45 CET

where it is (the rmsint2.doc) ?
Want to read it first

On Fri, 24 Jan 2003 12:15:25 +0100
<roart@nvg.ntnu.no> wrote:

> Hi
> Is there someone here who is experienced with RMS?
> (I just made my first indexed file in the last week, so I am not)
> We need someone who can make indexed files and dump them to figure out
> how they are structured, and also someone who can implement it.
> We have got the RMS Internals documentation (rmsint2.doc) and the
> data structures; that is more than enough to get started.
> (I did not quite figure out the data structure that is closest to the
> keys and data, but enough to get some data out of it)
> Regards,
> --
> Liste de diffusion FreeVMS

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