[FreeVMS] Re: Development

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Development
From: Chris McKenzie (cjmckenzie@ucdavis.edu)
Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 22:59:55 CET

Thanks for the "slap-in-the-face". I remember the free-vms project and
was quite dissappointed when it just decided to get up and die. I think a
hacked out version may actually be the best. I am sure that if we make
the vauge general plans of "in the distant future we hope to have thus but
as of now we are not going to tell anyone how we are going to get there"
will allow us to
1. not be so darn stringent that we spend 6 months outlining a 4 year rote
work project and don't deviate (even if it is wrong). and
2. not be so lenient that we end up with something that was never intended
and doesn't do what we want.

Like a lot of projects that I have seen that are parts of other ones (like
Windows NT being part of IBM OS/2) The development team starts with a
release pretty damn similar to what they derived everything from with each
successive release varying to a greater and greater extent from that base
(like the different UN*Xes of the 80's-90's coming from essentially one in
the 70's with different groundwork by different groups in the 80's.)

On Sun, 1 Dec 2002 roart@nvg.ntnu.no wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 30, 2002 at 03:33:51PM -0800, Chris McKenzie wrote:
> > I think the first step is some contingent plans to divorce the kernel from
> > it's linux base. Although it gives an excellent framework for initial
> Such plans require persons with deep knowledge of the internals of both
> VMS and Linux, and with time to spare.
> Making such plans detailed in advance would be a very difficult task.
> I have made something plan-ish that was mailed and is archived on
> http://freevms.nvg.org/0100.html. (From one year ago)
> One year later, it seems that it certainly has been a spiral-ish process,
> with developing a part a little more, and then another part.
> (The life of the system and life of a process has not been touched yet)
> Right now I am digging into memory management, using both VMS Internals
> and Linux Core Kernel Commentary (a book like Lion's), and figuring
> out how to do stuff as I go.
> Should I have waited for a plan, nothing would have happened.
> (Wonder why the previous Free-VMS project never got off the ground...?)
> Development (and plans) are also dependent on the developers and on what
> they can, want to do and actually do and commit.
> > development and surely some algorithms and routines would be quite
> > ridiculous to try to re-engineer or re-write but as in the case of lainos,
> > we wish to in fact make an independent system that duplicate vms, not
> > linux.
> Duplicating Linux in case of compatibility would be nice.
> Regards,
> Roar Thronæs
> --
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        Christopher J. McKenzie

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