Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Development
From: BERTRAND Joël (
Date: Thu Nov 28 2002 - 15:01:23 CET
Kesav Tadimeti wrote:
> HI mate,
> This group is *DEAD*.
I don't think this group is dead. We only are volunteers and rewrite an
OS from scratch (or from another kernel) is a long work. I know that the
development is not very quick, but we must write this kernel when we
have time. At this time we try to continue and I want to thank Roar for
his work.
> There are no postings on this group but for the
> occasional announcement of latest version of FreeVMS.
Yes, but announcing a new release signifies that the project is not dead.
> I have extensive C experience & I'd like to develop and I am good at VMS but
> have NO knowledge of OS internals. We also have an Open VMS machine here
> (DS10) which is idle most of the time.
And ?
> But I guess there are no projects. There is no life here.!!!
A question. Did you take the responsability of a subproject ?
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