[FreeVMS] Re: still need more developers

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: still need more developers
From: Patrick Caulfield (patrick@tykepenguin.com)
Date: Mon Aug 26 2002 - 14:17:46 CEST

On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 02:01:29PM +0200, roart@nvg.ntnu.no wrote:
> Need feedback anyway, in case there are people out there who could not solve
> them.

OK, I've got it going with gcc 3.2 and CVS. the only change I needed to make was
to move pedriver.c and sca.c from linux/mm to linux/kernel where the Makefile
expected to find them. There are a couple of things I needed to disable in
.config to make it compile : initrd and md

> > Another idea:
> > One think we do at work is to have a bitkeeper repository (though it could
> > equally well be done with CVS) of the whole Linux kernel with our modifications
> > applied. When a new kernel release happens then those changes are merged into
> > the CVS tree, so users sync with that and get a whole, (hopefully!) working
> > kernel tree.
> Having the Linux-kernel in CVS is not "compatible".
> Our tree is freevms/ and that is where things will go.
> We will eventually cease using the linux/-tree and prescript
> when FreeVMS has evolved sufficiently.

Fair enough, it was just a thought.



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