[FreeVMS] Re: Network Protocol Implementation

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Network Protocol Implementation
From: Daniel O'Neill (danieloneill@uniserve.ca)
Date: Tue Jul 16 2002 - 09:48:08 CEST

On Monday 15 July 2002 00:36, you wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 12:10:52PM -0700, Daniel O'Neill wrote:
> > Is there currently any interest in network protocol implementation, or am
> > I being a bit premature?
> >
> > The reason for this question, is I would consider now a crucial stage to
> > start deploying IPv6 in both kernel and userspace areas of freevms. I
> > can construct a small development team for this task, but I cannot do it
> > alone.
> I would imagine that doing the various IP flavours would be quite
> straightforward as they are mostly provided as a BSD socket layer already,
> even on VMS.
> DECnet is more interesting, but probably not too hard (I have looked into
> it briefly). I reckon a NETDRIVER wrapper around the socket interface of
> the existing Linux DECnet code would do the job.

Well, I've never worked with DECnet, and really don't know it's application
for that matter. I assume these would go hand in hand typically :)

As far as the simple network implementation, that really was my motivation,
as I'm not really a seasoned developer; I thought it would help me hone my
low level skills, if not to be obsoleted or dropped in a revision or two.

I'll look into another area which I may be of use, or do you have any

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