Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Kernel panic on boot
From: BERTRAND Joël (
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 11:32:33 CET wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 10:09:22AM +0100, BERTRAND Joël wrote:
>> wrote:
>>>On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 07:58:48PM +0100, BERTRAND Joël wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have tried the last CVS tree and I receive a kernel panic (no init
>>>>found) after "here 2". I have received this error with a previous
>>>>kernel, but it seems to be fixed...
>>>Weird, it seems linux/arch/i386/lib/getuser.S was not copied yet again.
>>>Could you do something like diff -ru ../freevms/linux/ .|grep "^+++"
>>>to find out if anything else is not there also?
> Was it like that after running prescript?
> Then I might better have a good look at prescript.
Prescript returns :
Root Weierstrass:[/usr/src/FreeVMS] > ./prescript
ln: `./syssetpri.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./syspcntrl.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./rse.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./system_data_cells.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./timeschdl.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./exsubrout.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./syswait.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./sysevtsrv.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./exception_init.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./postef.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./iociopost.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./astdel.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./forkcntrl.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./iosubnpag.c': fichier existant.
ln: `./sysastcon.c': fichier existant.
you have read the HOWTO and done a make in ../freevms?
I have verified that I use the last release of prescript.
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