[FreeVMS] Re: Release candidate 0.0.2... Some troubles...

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: Release candidate 0.0.2... Some troubles...
From: BERTRAND Joël (joel.k.bertrand@free.fr)
Date: Fri Dec 21 2001 - 10:53:17 CET

roart@nvg.ntnu.no wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 06:14:33PM +0100, BERTRAND Joël wrote:
>> Hello,
>>I have made a cvs update this afternoon to build the 0.0.2 kernel. A
>>"make bzImage" returns :
> I see no processor member there.
>>structure has no member named `processor'
>>I have seen that no one "processor" field stays in sched.h (struct task).
> Change those ones to pcb$l_cpu_id.
>>Roar, can you compile your kernel, or is it my tree which is broken ?
> Yes, it compiles.

        I'm not sure that we are working on the same sources ;-)
init/main.c and linux/include/linux/sched.h on are the CVS tree and I
cannot compile init/main.c. If you tree compiles, you have certainly
patched some files. If not, I can patch these files.

        Can you verify if the file versions on the CVS tree is the versions which
you use ?



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