[FreeVMS] scheduling

Subject: [FreeVMS] scheduling
Date: Fri Dec 14 2001 - 15:12:55 CET


Have been doing some work on scheduling, and committed them.
(May have to do cvs update -d)
It does not look that pretty, will clean up a bit.

The routines sch$resched and sch$sched now looks like what is in the
Internals book.

It is not exactly stable: it hangs before getting to the login prompt in
runlevel 3. I can boot with init=/bin/sh
Got interrupt problems, and had to replace SOFTINT_RESCHED_VECTOR with
a plain sch$resched call.

Also meaning:
We need more people doing kernel development.
We also need to find out what to do next: Interrupts/ASTs/Timing, MM, more?

-Roar Thronæs

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