[FreeVMS] Re: SRM...

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: SRM...
From: BERTRAND Joël (joel.k.bertrand@free.fr)
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 09:43:31 CET

BERTRAND Joël wrote:

> Hello,
> I have some trouble with CVS, but I believe that you can find the file
> srm.tar.gz on the CVS tree. I have tested this bootloader with several
> configurations (SCSI, IDE, floppy), and it seems to work fine.
> In attachment, my srm.conf file (for a french keyboard).

        I have modified this console to have a real set auto_action
boot/halt/none entry. It works even if the srm.conf file contains :
set auto_action halt
set timeout 0



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