[FreeVMS] Re: SRM console

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: SRM console
From: BERTRAND Joël (joel.k.bertrand@free.fr)
Date: Fri Nov 23 2001 - 11:34:51 CET

roart@nvg.ntnu.no wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 23, 2001 at 11:17:26AM +0100, BERTRAND Joël wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on a SRM console. I have modified the GRuB bootloader and I
>>can use this pseudo-SRM console to boot a system. I don't have any
>>documentation about SRM command (and I cannot halt my alpha to get the
>>help...). Where can I find the basic commands ? I remember that there are :
>>- boot -i -f... ;
>>- show xxx ; (device, mem...)
>>- set xxx...
> See ftp://gatekeeper.dec.com and /pub/DEC/Alpha/systems
> I have only read the as1000 stuff, but SRM is bigger.
> Maybe boot, halt and help would suffice for now?

        Yes, I think...

        I have drawed a Logo which can replace the include/linux/linux_logo.h. I
can put it on the CVS tree, but I never use any CVS tree in writing
mode... I go to read the man page...



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