[FreeVMS] Re: cluster hooks

Subject: [FreeVMS] Re: cluster hooks
From: BERTRAND Joël (joel.k.bertrand@free.fr)
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 15:38:21 CET

roart@nvg.ntnu.no wrote:

> Hi
> We might start thinking about clustring;

        We can... But I think that I must read the doc ;-)

> meaning doing some hooks?
> (Like DEC did in the beginning)
> (See figure http://www.openvms.compaq.com/doc/73final/4477/4477pro_002.html)

        Why not ? We can start with a kernel which has only an embrionic support
for clustring (only internal structures ?). Clustring asks a lot of
modifications, and I think that we need an real FreeVMS kernel before
include a real clustring support.

        I have a question too ;-) Currently, gcc compiles C code on Linux (ELF or
a.out formats on an i386, or another format on VMS) and use the libc.so
library. If we modify the internal structures, we need a new lib.c or a
new compiler, isn't it ?



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